Conservation Grants

If you are a landowner, land agent, or farmer contemplating habitat enhancement for the benefit of biodiversity or improvements to encourage wildlife whether large or small scale Building Wildlife may be able to help fund a project on your land if certain criteria are met.

You may be thinking of constructing a pond or filling in the gaps in your hedgerows or even just planting a few native trees and installing the odd bird or bat box. If so, we are here to offer advice and may be able to assist with funding.

If you are looking to carry out research, survey or develop an educational project we may be able to assist with funding.

We do this in line with The Environment (Wales) Act 2016, with our remit covering a broad range of both priority species and priority habitats. Click on one of the links below to learn more;

Purpose of the grant

Our grants are available to benefit the conservation status of those species and their habitats including Great crested newt in North east Wales considered of principal importance through wildlife legislation in Wales.

With regards to European sites where great crested newts are a principal feature refer to the Conservation Objectives of the Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Core Management Plan available on the Natural Resources Wales website, at

Project examples that would benefit those species listed in Welsh Government legislation including great crested newt are:

  • Pond creation, enhancement, and restoration
  • Terrestrial habitat management (to benefit semi-natural habitats)
  • Connectivity management and enhancement, as above
  • Purchase of land
  • Control of invasive species
  • Research, Environmental Education/Training projects
  • Community projects, including working with fishing clubs.

If you'd like more information about grants available, you can contact us by emailing

Building Wildlife will consider all grant applications, either for the funding, or part funding of projects. However, as Building Wildlife has a limited source of financial income available, Building Wildlife is not in a position to provide a financial contribution towards all projects for every application received.

Building Wildlife will focus resources on those projects that strictly meet with the objects of the charity.

If you would like to apply for a grant, you can complete our application form below or you can download the Building Wildlife grant application form here;

Grant Application Form - digital submission (click to open)
Please confirm; location, Ecological Survey and Assessment Report Ecological mitigation, compensation or enhancement scheme or other.
E.g. decision / LPA weblink
Building Wildlife Trust Terms; We/I wish to confirm acceptance of Building Wildlife’s terms and conditions in respect of the use and allocations of commuted sums. I/We understand that funding may be used for, but not necessarily limited to payments for habitat creation, enhancement and management; land purchase; scientific and other research; conservation planning and administration. Building Wildlife aims to focus, and whenever possible target the allocation of financial resources that align with or support the implementation of national and local conservation or nature partnership plan(s). It will also aim to target actions within any proposed or target parameters. If third party funding proposals are not received within 12 months of funding becoming available , Building Wildlife reserves the allocate funds to other projects in accordance with any the provisions of any relevant plans.

Are you contemplating carrying out a local conservation project? We’re here to offer advice & assist with funding.

Are you a developer that needs to provide mitigation or compensation for a new development?

Building Wildlife was originally proposed by a local authority biodiversity champion to emphasise...